Our Fundraisers
This organization takes on many worthwhile, but costly projects. With so many questionable organizations asking for donations from generous citizens, we wanted our supporters to have a clear understanding of how we go about raising the funding we need each year. We generate income in the following manner: Membership dues; Magazine advertising proceeds; Bulk mail marketing; Apparel and trinket sales; Donations. That’s it. At no time, ever, will anyone representing our organization contact you in person for a donation. On rare occasions we do sell raffle tickets, but these are sold by our own troopers and civilian personnel on an informal, off-duty or local nature. Trooper Publications West, Inc. has published our magazine for approximately 30 years. Their sales staff does sell advertising to businesses only in our bi-annual magazine, THE WYOMING STATE TROOPER. These ads vary a great deal in price and graphic detail, and are of excellent quality. If anyone calls you, claiming to represent us, at no time will the terminology “widows and orphans”, “ballistic vests”,” medical expenses”, or any other enticements to give money be used. Their sales pitch is low-key and low-pressure, with immediate disclosure of a contact person’s name and / or a call back number if requested. Our residential bulk mailer might show up in your mailbox once or twice each year. We humbly ask that you look it over and consider a gift to help us out. Please keep the helpful information enclosed with our thanks.Without the financial support from thousands of Wyoming businesses and citizens, and indeed, many from outside our state, the Wyoming Highway Patrol Association could not exist. All of us are full time state troopers or civilian communications, clerical or Ports of Entry staff, and simply could not find the time it would take to generate the substantial income you provide. Your gracious gifts help us with: Injured troopers or those with personal tragedies in their lives; Members with college bound children, or self-improvement aspirations; Legislation to make your driving experience and our on the job safety better; Lobbying to improve the lifestyles and well earned retirement of all WHP personnel; Awards and recognition for WHP members and civilians who come to our aid; The honorable memory of Wyoming State Troopers and other peace officers killed in the line of duty; The assistance to their families in the aftermath of critical events; Participation in national law enforcement organizations and survivor support groups. As you can see, our activities are diverse and completely not for profit. Not one member of our organization profits from being a member, although many have experienced the outpouring of support – sometimes financially – when disaster has stricken. Without you, it simply would not have happened. May all of you enjoy peace and safety in your lives. From all of us, thank you so much, for all you have done for us, and for the clear demonstration of your support of law enforcement, and your Wyoming Highway Patrol. |
URGENT MESSAGE There are fundraising activities taking place in Wyoming which have absolutely no connection with the Wyoming Highway Patrol or the Wyoming Highway Patrol Association. Be warned!!! We Raise Money by Four Methods Only! Business only advertising profits in our magazine, The Wyoming State Trooper Direct mail solicitation to residential mailing addresses only Donations and Interest on Savings Accounts Dues from our Members At no time will anyone ever contact you in person. If they do, and claim to represent us, call the police immediately as you are being scammed. Our magazine sales processes your sales by credit card, electronic check, UPS COD or mail. As to our direct mailing, we invite you to either help us out, or pass, but please keep the helpful information with our compliments. There are many legitimate charitable causes out there, but threats, coercion, promises, and false statements of any kind are against the law. CONTACT US TO REPORT THESE! |